Me: What made you decide to go solo and is this part of the reason that Nural broke up?
(I ask this question a bit hesitantly because I know Nural is releasing an album - which confuses my other questions about whether or not Nural is back together for good? Or just releasing the album? But we'll leave this question on its own.)
Kyle: I went solo for the simple reason that I needed to play music again. I wasn’t sure whether to start a new band or join one of the bands that asked me to sing for them, so I finally said, “fuck it”, and just started writing so much and singing so much and playing so much guitar and piano that it left no room for anything or anyone in my life BUT music. It was strange times, but I came out the other side with a heightened appreciation for music and a better understanding of what I needed to do. Nural was broken up for a long time before I decided to do the solo thing, and by playing so much music on my own it made me realize how much I missed being in a band. Hence the reformation of Nural… So actually the solo stuff brought Nural back together, not the other way around.
Me: Are you planning to stick with the solo career or do you have plans to stay both with Nural while pursuing your solo dreams?
Kyle: I’m kinda just playing it by ear. I’ve made some commitments to the solo stuff that I’m gonna see through, but Nural takes priority. There will always be time for my own music, but playing in a band is too much fun.
Me: I'm curious to know what your personal process is like for writing music and how it differs from when you were writing music for Nural?
Kyle: Writing music with Nural is a collective effort where we all have to be on the same page. When I write for me, I just have to make sure I like it and the recording captures the vision I have. Anyone who can listen to my solo material and enjoy it and identify with it not only gets me, but vise versa. It’s basically a glimpse in to my head and heart and puts the essence of who I am on blast! It can be vulnerable to share, but it’s all the more rewarding when people relate.
Me: I'm sure your fans are interested to know, what are your plans for your tour and full-length album release?
Kyle: I plan to tour the west coast in august and play as many places as often as possible! I’ve already got the calendar more than half full of dates and places I’ll be, you can check all of that out online. I plan to release Lemonade online for free download on certain sites and have it on iTunes while also selling it along with Pseudo Romance on the tour! It’s been a busy summer with more ahead, but it’s so fun that it’s hardly work!
Me: Finally, I just want to thank you not only for taking the time to answer questions for me, but for the music you've made over the years, both with Nural and your solo music. There are very few bands/musicians that I've felt a real connection with their music, you and Nural being one of them. Your music has actually helped me get through a lot of hardships and even a few breakups! So, thank you for that.
Kyle: You are more than welcome. That means a lot that my music could have such an impact.
Thanks for listening, and like I said earlier, you get me, and vise versa. :)
If you like passionate, versatile vocals and genuinely deep lyrics, check Kyle's music out on Facebook, Twitter, and Reverbnation!,,

Pictures taken by me @ Leo's All Star Bar in La Crescenta, CA - Saturday, 7 July, 2012. (c)
Please support me by liking my page on Facebook for regular updates!
If you like passionate, versatile vocals and genuinely deep lyrics, check Kyle's music out on Facebook, Twitter, and Reverbnation!,,

Pictures taken by me @ Leo's All Star Bar in La Crescenta, CA - Saturday, 7 July, 2012. (c)
Please support me by liking my page on Facebook for regular updates!
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