“A Comp For Mom is a special project i planned over the past month of my mom’s life, to release in her honor and to help raise funds for her medical bills. Now it will be released in memory of her. 100% of the proceeds will be going towards any medical bills/other expenses incurred after her passing, after that 100% of the proceeds will go into a Linda Hansen Memorial Fund.”
“I love you Mom, say hi to Dad for me.”
There's something incredibly special about music being dedicated to your loved ones. Music is already something so emotional and can hit close to home. When you choose to create something in memory of someone, it brings it to another level.
The first beautiful thing I noticed about this album, when I heard it for the first time several weeks ago, was how truly raw it is. Each track is something different and unique, but they're all sewn together like a patchwork quilt with the same message: genuine love.
The first song I heard was Daisyhead's cover of "Work" by Jimmy Eat World that they released weeks ago before I heard the entire album. They had a stream of it on Absolute Punk, and I became obsessed with it after my first listen. Jimmy Eat World is one of my favorite bands and Daisyhead truly did the song justice. Their take on it was so emotional and moving, I couldn't stop listening and it quickly became my favorite song on the album and stayed that way.
That was when I decided I needed to hear the entire album. Once I was able to listen to the entire thing, I realized that all of the songs followed suit, as being quite moving tracks. They truly all create such a strong story sewn together into this compilation. To be fair, I'm already kind of biased in favor of the bands on No Sleep, being that they're home to several of my favorite bands. (Major League, Balance & Composure, The Swellers, and Into It. Over It are all featured on the album.)
Another favorite track was "For Agnes" by Into It. Over It. The guitar and clean vocals made me feel like Evan Weiss himself was sitting in my living room playing just for me. Message received loud and clear, directly to my tear ducts.
The acoustic version of "Montreal" by Major League was so genuine and raw, reminding listeners just how much we all go through without stopping to think about how we all go through the same (or similar) things. How we handle things is all part of life and it's a beautiful and obvious thing when musicians are singing from experience and a place of pain - this song is so emotional in context of being dedicated to Chris' mother after she passed.
The fact that these artists came together for the cause and created such beautiful tracks, whether they were acoustic versions or cover songs by other artists, is exactly what music should be about, in my opinion. Although I've never lost a parent, I've certainly lost people close to me and family is very important to me, so thinking about the subject got me choked up many times listening. It's very touching overall and I still can't stop listening to the album.
The album can be purchased at : No Sleep Records - A Comp for Mom